English (United States)

Albert Babaianni

Albert Babaianni

Albert Babaianni






I am Albert Babayan, Front-End Angular Developer. In the last three years, programming has attracted great interest to me. During the searching process, Front-End development has provided unique challenges and simplicity, which appealed to me. When writing code and having the opportunity to transform this code into beautiful visual, enhancing user satisfaction is remarkable, isn't it?

Design always fascinated me and Front-End provides the opportunity to make my fantasies a reality.

The path of Front-End development traditionally starts with learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Later, I realized that mastering the basics was not sufficient to become a competent developer. Therefore, to achieve my goals, I decided to study Bootstrap, SASS, SCSS, and delve into TypeScript. Afterwards, I understood that studying a framework was essential in Front-End development. After analyzing the job market and various frameworks, I found that Angular suited my interests, so I chose to study it intensively.

After going through this path and facing numerous difficulties and challenges, I know exactly how tough and laborious this process is. I have been demotivated and lost focus several times, but discipline helped me overcome it. I know many people abandon this path, but the good news is that their departure does not affect me. I am trying my best to succeed and achieve my goals.

My course and planned videos for the future will guide you to step confidently into Front-End Angular development and create your first projects. I am prepared to overcome difficulties together and return even stronger.

Mentorship hours:

Monday 19:00 - 23:00

Wednesday 19:00 - 23:00

Thursday 19:00 - 23:00

Friday 19:00 - 23:00

Saturday 19:00 - 23:00

My courses

My courses

My courses